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Horses, Autism, and Healing

Here is just a sampling of the information available about the benefits of working with horses. Please contact us to learn more!

How Your Autistic Child Can Benefit from Equine Therapy

For thousands of years the bond between man and animal has proven to be effective in creating an emotional, healing bond.  Click Here

Horses, Autism, and Healing

The first time Rachel arrived at the horse farm, her equine counselor Sherri led Rachel over to a large gray horse named Alfie. Rachel stopped about two feet in front of Alfie and looked up at his soft, dark eyes gazing down at her. After about a minute, Rachel lifted her hand toward Alfie’s nose.  Click Here

Study: Horseback Riding Helps Kids With Autism, ADHD

Therapeutic horseback riding combined with brain-building exercises can improve the dexterity, coordination, and strength of children with neurodevelopmental disorders, shows a study in Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

How Horses Help Those With Autism

 A recent report by the University of Edinburgh found that hippotherapy - the use of horse-riding as a therapeutic or rehabilitative treatment - significantly reduces the severity of symptoms and hyperactivity in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After a study involving more than 20 children aged 6-9, researchers found that horse-riding had a positive impact on social functioning and reduced hyperactivity. Click Here

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